Friday, April 22, 2011

A bit of a background.

I currently have been doing all of my blogging on Tumblr as Vera Tomahawk. I want a personal blog where I only create original posts about my life and what I've been experiencing. Right now, not much is going on, so I won't be bombarding you with posts. I wanted to start a Blogger account so I could "follow" my favorite bloggers on this website :)

A little bit about me? My name is Jennifer, I am 19, and have grown up in a New York City suburb in Jersey. I currently attend community college because I was having trouble deciding where I wanted to go. I am all about casual sophistication and buying more clothes than I can afford. I have a lot to say, but not much to do. I love to read and I really appreciate high fashion and the artwork of deceased artists. The way I dress is inspired by Coco Chanel (the person, not the brand), and Kerry of Yours Truly. My personal idol is Russell Brand, which sounds awkward, perhaps I'll explain one day. I decorate everything I own and I am an absolute neat freak. My only real goal in life is to raise a child. I'm an undercover mush. This is me!

I'll try to let you know when anything happens in my life! Haha. It's definitely a down time right now.

Xoxo, Jennifer.